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We are WINNING the Culture War (Javier Milei, Pierre Poilievre, Donald Trump, Elon Musk)

We aren't just winning the culture war in America. People are waking up across the globe. Javier Milei is winning in Argentina, Pierre Poilievre is making HUGE waves in Canada, our Second Amendment Rights are being restored and Elon Musk is fighting back. They are relatively small victories, but they are victories none the less.


Nikki Haley uses a lot of "Buzz Words" to try and sell herself as an America First candidate with nothing but our best interests at heart. If rhetoric is a predictor, and it often is....she is another "Big R" Republican with visions of American greatness via foreign wars. First of all, we cannot afford more war. Secondly, we cannot afford more war. Thirdly we cannot afford more was and finally AMERICANS ARE TIRED OF WAR. Just remember when politicians go this "hard in the paint" for war, they are not the ones that will be fighting it.


I love what is going on right now. This is the democratic process. It is messy. "Go along to get along" is what got us into the situation we are facing today. I'm over it.

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